Senior School

pastoral care

The Kingsley School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Strong pastoral care is central to the ethos and aims of the school.  It involves all members of the school community: governors, the senior leadership team, all teaching and support staff, students, parents or carers, and visitors.  Students who feel known and safe are more likely to fulfil their potential, academically and in other areas of school life, and to participate responsibly in the school community.

We aim to give all our students an experience of school which will enable them to be healthy, to be safe, to enjoy their work and to achieve well in it, to make a positive contribution to the school and wider community, and to achieve economic well-being in the future.

The central importance of the pastoral system, which aims to promote the welfare of the students, is recognised in the fact that all members of the teaching staff are attached to year teams, and take part in pastoral activities.  All teachers contribute to the teaching of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship, where a coordinated programme tackles topics such as friendships, relationships and sex education, assertiveness and self-awareness, staying safe (including an introduction to the risks of driving for older students), bullying, healthy eating, smoking, alcohol and other drugs, and sex education.

There is a simple, clear code of conduct for students, and a behaviour policy, which is based on a value for mutual respect and fairness.  There is also an active policy to prevent bullying, which has been written after consultation with all members of the school community.

"The contribution for the arrangements for pastoral care is excellent."
Independent Schools Inspectorate

There is a dedicated Head of Year for each year group, who oversees academic tracking and target-setting and PSHE for all the students, and who can work with individual students when they need support either academically or for more personal reasons. There is also a qualified school nurse who is able to advise students, parents and staff on matters concerning students’ physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Together with the Heads of Year, the Careers Coordinator has responsibility for offering students advice and information about higher education and the world of work from Year 8 through to Year 13. They also liaises with various outside agencies and organises events where specialists in their fields offer students suggestions and advice about further study and careers, at GCSE and A level.

The Learning Support department provides support for students and advice for teachers when students encounter difficulties with their learning. The Head of Learning Support can also provide the facility of formally assessing students’ strengths and weaknesses, so that teachers can provide for their needs, including having extra time in examinations. The school does not have the facilities to support students with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).

"The school is successful in fulfilling its aims to develop self-confidence and to demonstrate a care and concern for pupils as individuals."
Independent Schools Inspectorate

The Kingsley School is committed to providing equal opportunities for all students; the school has an Accessibility Plan which is reviewed regularly, and which may be developed to cater for the needs of individual students or parents.

The Student Council, which is made up of delegates from each year group, and the Year Councils, which are made up of delegates from each form, play an important role in gathering students’ views, and initiating suggestions for improved facilities and services.

The school works with the catering staff to ensure school meals are varied and healthy.

We have a range of policies to ensure the welfare, health and safety of students at all times whilst on school premises, and on school trips in this country and abroad.  Many of these policies can be found on our website, or are available from the school on request.

The school comes under the umbrella of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board, and follows legislation and current advice when dealing with child protection matters.

"Students are encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle through PSHE lessons."
Independent Schools Inspectorate
The Kingsley School