The Kingsley School has a responsibility to ensure the welfare and safety of children and young people. Within school, we use photographs and film for a number of reasons. The main purpose is to celebrate the success of pupils.

Photographs are used on display boards, plasma screens, in printed material, such as the prospectus, newsletters, articles in the press, website and on the School’s social media including Twitter and Facebook e.g. photographs of pupils learning, sports teams and members of the cast of school productions. Photographs may also be used to record the learning journals of pupils. Film is generally used to help with learning, e.g. role plays.

Photographs and film will only be recorded and stored on school owned equipment or password-protected sites (or recorded and then downloaded from authorised personal equipment) and will be subject to our image destruction policy. Additionally, your child’s image may be used outside the School setting. Common instances involve the promotion of the School to the local community or in competitions. Note: your child’s photo will not be used in major public display promotions, such as on billboards, without additional consent being sought. Individual photos of pupils are taken at various stages for internal identification and records. They would not be shown to anyone outside the School, except in appropriately serious circumstances.

As in accordance with the T&Cs in the Parents’ Contract, please write to, if you do not wish your child to be used in promotional material and inform your child of this fact.

The Kingsley School