The Kingsley School operates a fleet of buses to transport pupils from outlying villages and towns around Royal Leamington Spa, including Banbury, Solihull, Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick. Kingsley buses run personalised services, with new routes continually being investigated to accommodate need wherever possible.
There is a sliding scale of fares depending on the distance travelled. These range from £255 to £587 per term with discounts available for siblings.
Half price fares can be agreed for either AM only or PM only journeys. However should spaces on a bus be limited, priority will be given to those paying the full return journey fare. Occasional additional journeys can be booked but must be prearranged and charges could be added to the termly bill.
There are no refunds available for unused bus journeys.
If your child wishes to bring a friend home occasionally, they may use the bus providing there is a space available. Availability must be checked prior to the journey, please contact: