Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most daunting responsibilities for a parent. Many things have to be considered and it is often not an easy decision to make.
The Kingsley School provides a friendly, caring and supportive environment in which students are encouraged to work hard, enjoy their learning and achieve their best. Underpinning this is the excellent quality of pastoral care, where students are empowered and encouraged at every stage of their development. We are a community who care for each other and look after one another, fostering good relationships. We believe that we bring out the very best in all our students, whatever their individual needs and goals. At Kingsley everyone is valued; students are names and not numbers.
Whether you are just starting your search for the right school, or if you feel you have made your decision already, we look forward to meeting you and welcoming you and your child to Kingsley.
We would urge you to visit Kingsley and find out first-hand what makes us such a happy and academically successful school. Talking to the Headteacher, staff and students, taking part in taster activities, touring the school and observing lessons is the only way to truly experience the unique atmosphere at Kingsley.
You may be local or new to the area, relocating from within or outside the UK, have questions about academic support, or simply be concerned about whether your child will ‘fit in’. Our School Registrar, Mrs Judith Durham, is often your first point of contact at The Kingsley School, and she will ensure that you, and your child, have all the information you need to make the right decision and to guide you through the admissions process.
Along with our regular Open Events Mrs Durham is very happy to arrange a personal tour for you so that you can see the School in action and get a real feel of Kingsley and all we have to offer.