"Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community."
World Health Organisation

At Kingsley, we pride ourselves on supporting children’s emotional and social wellbeing via our attentive approach and small class sizes. We actively promote positive mental and physical health for every pupil and member of staff. We strive to provide this wellbeing support on a general basis across the whole school with specialised, targeted support for those vulnerable individuals who require additional help during their time at Kingsley. Our approach includes focussing on the physical and musculoskeletal elements of wellbeing, by offering opportunity for exercise and outdoor activities for pupils and staff including access to the school gym. Pupils can also access wellbeing sessions in our Enrichment programme, such as mindfulness, positivity parties or yoga. Our catering team work hard to ensure that pupils have access to a healthy menu daily and will provide for all dietary needs. In addition to promoting positive mental and physical health, we have protocols in place to recognise and respond effectively to mental ill health. We recognise that statistically in an average UK classroom, three children may be suffering from a diagnosable mental health issue. By developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective mental health strategies and procedures we can promote a safe and stable environment for pupils and staff affected both directly, and indirectly, by mental health and wellbeing issues.

Whilst all staff have a responsibility to promote the mental health of pupils, those with a specific, relevant remit include:

Heads of Year

School Nurses

Head of Learning Support

Head and Deputy Head of Prep School

Director of Sixth Form

Senior Deputy Head

We also have a number of Mental Health Champions within the staff body who have already attended training on Mental Health Awareness and many are Mental Health First Aiders. Any member of staff who is concerned about the mental health or wellbeing of a pupil should speak to the Head of Year in the first instance.


Mrs Phillipa Thomas

Wellbeing Counsellor

Find out more about Mrs Phillipa Thomas, our Wellbeing Counsellor (along with her Therapy Dog, Scooby!) here.

Useful Links

The Kingsley School