Year 13 Class of 2024, Farewell!

Year 13’s final day was filled with memorable moments, including the playful soaking of teachers and a heartfelt farewell assembly. Year 13 enjoyed a brunch together, while later staff gathered for a family lunch, marking the end of an era for the class of 2024.

Dawn Morgan, Director of Sixth Form commented:

Friday 10 May marked the end of an era for the Year 13 class of 2024 and they marked their final day of formal schooling with characteristic energy. Branded as part of ‘the lost generation’ by the media because of the effect that the Covid-19 pandemic had on their education, Kingsley students have proved again and again that there is certainly nothing ‘lost’ about them.

The theme of their final day was a homage to the Kingsley LEARN.TO FLY message. The day was hosted by a competent team of flight attendants, captains and air traffic controllers and the audience was treated to considerable in-flight entertainment as we shared in their joyful memories and celebrations.

This wonderful group of students may have landed on the runway but the memories of their journeys with us will last for a long time. They are a vibrant group of hard-working and focused students who never fail to bring the sunshine with them wherever they go. As they prepare for their external examinations, we know they will have prepared well and will conduct themselves with class and grace. Following a summer of fun, they will be jetting off to their future destinations, some to university and some on gap years and we wish them all the best of times. All have without doubt grown their wings and learnt to fly and we are confident that they will continue to thrive, wherever they go.

Lost generation? No. Role models? Absolutely!

The Kingsley School